Wavetransform Studios

I am proud to announce my association with professional audio companies TRUE-SYSTEMS and RME. True-Systems are renowned for their transparent microphone preamplifiers, with low noise and high headroom.  RME offers accurate audio conversion with efficient jitter reduction, low latency and high signal-to-noise ratio.

In addition, I would like to share exciting news with you! I am currently in the process of building a new recording studio for my session recordings. The studio will cover near 2000 square feet of floor space and will feature high quality audio production, with custom acoustic design and high quality signal chain and processing tools. The studio will include a living space with a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, exterior deck, and other amenities, which will also allow to accommodate bands from out of town. AKG microphones, TRUE-SYSTEMS preamps, RME converters and YAMAHA pro audio, will play an instrumental role in completing the equipment line-up for the new studio. I will provide more news as the work advances.

Yamaha Sabian Vic Firth AKG True Systems RME